Epistemic logics typically talk about knowledge of individual agents or groups of explicitly listed agents. Often, however, one wishes to express knowledge of groups of agents specified by a given property, as in `it is common knowledge among economists'. We introduce such a logic of common knowledge, which we term abstract-group epistemic logic (AGEL). That is, AGEL features a common knowledge operator for groups of agents given by concepts in a separate agent logic that we keep generic, with one possible agent logic being ALC. We show that AGEL is EXPTIME-complete, with the lower bound established by reduction from standard group epistemic logic, and the upper bound by a satisfiability-preserving embedding into the full $\mu$-calculus. Further main results include a finite model property (not enjoyed by the full $\mu$-calculus) and a complete axiomatization.
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The decarbonization of buildings presents new challenges for the reliability of the electrical grid as a result of the intermittency of renewable energy sources and increase in grid load brought about by end-use electrification. To restore reliability, grid-interactive efficient buildings can provide flexibility services to the grid through demand response. Residential demand response programs are hindered by the need for manual intervention by customers. To maximize the energy flexibility potential of residential buildings, an advanced control architecture is needed. Reinforcement learning is well-suited for the control of flexible resources as it is able to adapt to unique building characteristics compared to expert systems. Yet, factors hindering the adoption of RL in real-world applications include its large data requirements for training, control security and generalizability. Here we address these challenges by proposing the MERLIN framework and using a digital twin of a real-world 17-building grid-interactive residential community in CityLearn. We show that 1) independent RL-controllers for batteries improve building and district level KPIs compared to a reference RBC by tailoring their policies to individual buildings, 2) despite unique occupant behaviours, transferring the RL policy of any one of the buildings to other buildings provides comparable performance while reducing the cost of training, 3) training RL-controllers on limited temporal data that does not capture full seasonality in occupant behaviour has little effect on performance. Although, the zero-net-energy (ZNE) condition of the buildings could be maintained or worsened as a result of controlled batteries, KPIs that are typically improved by ZNE condition (electricity price and carbon emissions) are further improved when the batteries are managed by an advanced controller.
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Our goal is to reconstruct tomographic images with few measurements and a low signal-to-noise ratio. In clinical imaging, this helps to improve patient comfort and reduce radiation exposure. As quantum computing advances, we propose to use an adiabatic quantum computer and associated hybrid methods to solve the reconstruction problem. Tomographic reconstruction is an ill-posed inverse problem. We test our reconstruction technique for image size, noise content, and underdetermination of the measured projection data. We then present the reconstructed binary and integer-valued images of up to 32 by 32 pixels. The demonstrated method competes with traditional reconstruction algorithms and is superior in terms of robustness to noise and reconstructions from few projections. We postulate that hybrid quantum computing will soon reach maturity for real applications in tomographic reconstruction. Finally, we point out the current limitations regarding the problem size and interpretability of the algorithm.
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Pretrained language models that have been trained to predict the next word over billions of text documents have been shown to also significantly predict brain recordings of people comprehending language. Understanding the reasons behind the observed similarities between language in machines and language in the brain can lead to more insight into both systems. Recent works suggest that the prediction of the next word is a key mechanism that contributes to the alignment between the two. What is not yet understood is whether prediction of the next word is necessary for this observed alignment or simply sufficient, and whether there are other shared mechanisms or information that is similarly important. In this work, we take a first step towards a better understanding via two simple perturbations in a popular pretrained language model. The first perturbation is to improve the model's ability to predict the next word in the specific naturalistic stimulus text that the brain recordings correspond to. We show that this indeed improves the alignment with the brain recordings. However, this improved alignment may also be due to any improved word-level or multi-word level semantics for the specific world that is described by the stimulus narrative. We aim to disentangle the contribution of next word prediction and semantic knowledge via our second perturbation: scrambling the word order at inference time, which reduces the ability to predict the next word, but maintains any newly learned word-level semantics. By comparing the alignment with brain recordings of these differently perturbed models, we show that improvements in alignment with brain recordings are due to more than improvements in next word prediction and word-level semantics.
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我们训练一个深度学习的人工神经网络模型,空间注意力U-NET,从通过Hualien的垂直发病率脉冲电离层雷达测量的噪声电离图数据中恢复有用的电离层信号。我们的结果表明,该模型可以很好地识别F2层普通和非凡的模式(F2O,F2X)以及E层的组合信号(普通和非凡模式以及零星的ES)。该模型还能够识别一些未标记的信号。模型的性能可以通过数据集中的样本数量不足来显着降低。从恢复的信号中,我们确定F2O和F2X的临界频率以及两个信号之间的相交频率。两个临界频率之间的差异为0.63 MHz,不确定性为0.18 MHz。
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